Super Passive-Line ULTRA windows have, for the reference window, a revolutionary heat transfer coefficient Uw of 0.5 (W/m2K).
Intelligent systemic solutions are becoming a reality. Structural elements that are light-weight and with no steel reinforcements inside profiles, at the same time significantly limiting energy loss inside buildings, are the new arguments and advantages offered by the Super Passive-Line Ultra range.
This concept shows a whole new direction in thinking about energy-efficiency as it is connected with eliminating steel reinforcements — used in profiles up to now — which deteriorated thermal properties of the latter.
Super Passive-Line Ultra is a combination of the following innovative technologies:
- special casements applying the bonding inside technique,
- a new type of frames, developed in cooperation with BASF, using the Ultradur® High Speed plastic that replaces steel reinforcements used in conventional frames,
- chambers filled with polyurethane foam.